Gun Violence is now Declared a Disaster Emergency

July 8, 2021
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Gun violence in an East Coast state is declaring a Disaster Emergency by Governor Andrew Cuomo with a first-in-the-the-nation Executive Order. This is the first step in a comprehensive plan that’s goal is to tackle the surge in gun violence through the state.

Gun Violence Plan

On Tuesday afternoon, John Jay College of Criminal Justice in Manhattan in New York made the announcement.

New York can start to address the crisis with its designated disaster emergency status. Thereby expediting the money and resources to communities so they can, in fact, begin targeting violence right away.

Seven key areas are outlining by the comprehensive plan Cuomo has created and is the first step. They all aim to quell the violence surge. Below are the key areas outlining:

  1. To treat gun violence like the emergency public health it really is;
  2. Then to target hotspots with data and science;
  3. Next create positive engagement for at-risk youth;
  4. Aim to break the cycle of escalating violence;
  5. Then get illegal guns off the streets;
  6. Moreover, keep the guns out of the hands of dangerous people;
  7. Then to rebuild the delicate police-community relationship

New Strategy Casts Violence in Another Light

With violence treated as a public health crisis, it is a new strategy. It uses using short-term solutions to manage the pressing violence crisis and lower the shooting rate. Then look for long-term solutions that focus on community-based intervention and also create prevention strategies to break the vicious and devastating cycle of violence.

New Office to Tackle This Growing Issue

Governor Andrew Cuomo has announced the creation of the Office of Gun Violence Prevention. It will coordinate this nation-leading violence prevention effort. It is requiring by Executive Order for prominent police departments to share data on violence with DCJS to compile this data on a weekly basis. In fact, this data will be used by the new Office of Gun Violence Prevention. Thus to track emerging violence hotspots and deploy resources.

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