When you start your time at university, there’s a lot on your plate. You have to make new friends, get your footing in your classes, and try and figure out who you want to be, all in a very short period of time. Before you do all that, though, you have to move into your college dorm! Going into this process without a plan sets you up for failure, which can in turn derail the beginning of your college experience. No one wants to move in halfway and have to keep moving in while classes get into high gear. Here’s how to get into your new home like a pro:
Make a Checklist.
As a new student, you have a lot on your mind already. No one expects you to remember everything that you need to move perfectly. However, you are still ultimately responsible for your things. So, as you start preparing to move to your new dorm, make a checklist of everything you’ll need to succeed in your studies. Make sure to prioritize essentials; you can always accumulate decorations and comfort items as you go, but you don’t want to struggle to sleep or eat in your new room.
Consult your college’s website.
The official website of your college will have valuable information about how to move into your dorm. This will include things like where to park, how long you can park there, where dumpsters may be, and if your college offers helpers. Consulting your college’s website can help you get a better idea of what you’re actually up against. Does your dorm have an elevator that will fit all of your items? Will you need to bring your own dolly or cart? On that note…
Bring the right equipment.
Moving requires the use of a lot of tools that you may not immediately think of. Once you get to your dorm, there are three parts to the moving process: unloading, transporting, and setting up. You may need things like a cart to haul your furniture and other items up to your room. However, once you get in there, you’ll also need to set up your furniture! So, make sure you have everything you need to set up what you have. Whether that means an allen wrench and a pair of scissors or a whole toolkit, you’ll need the right stuff to set your life up quickly.
Car transport can help you move into your college dorm!
Many students choose to take their cars with them to college, but this can be a major headache. Do you really want to spend all your time driving your car to your new home, only to have to unload and set up everything too? At New York City Car Transport, we happily help students ship their cars to their new homes, whether that means on campus or off. We’ll get your car where it needs to be with professionalism and ease!