Low Voter Turnout Shows Disparaging Indifference Towards Politics

November 8, 2023
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The Board of Elections in New York City have declared record low results for voter turnout during the most recent election. It’s really quite heartbreaking. It’s certainly very concerning that there haven’t been more of the population to vote in the election given that it all could be better off. This is all very worrisome all because the very chances of change are supposed to initiate when there’s actual hopes for the population to participate in what is said to be the most democratic of change.

And it’s otherwise disappointing that there’s no real change to be seen in the system. So to think that we have the capacity to alter the course of history is really not entirely possible as is the circumstance.

Not with such a low turnout of voters in the most recent election.

At least, this is the case in New York City. And what is very concerning about it all is how the most populous city is not quite as able to make their way to their polling stations in order to vote for the representatives and measures which can essentially reshape the way our society operates.

So again? Why is it that no one is really able to pursue the change they need in their lives? Most likely because it’s all attached to the issues of being lazy and not committing to getting any real change done. It’s not quite fair to the whole of the local population, given that they could very well benefit from change in their communities.

The latest numbers show that only 313,000 New Yorkers actively participated in the voting, in comparison to the 4.6 million active voters currently operating in the city. All the leaders in town have made mention of how the government could be better and give a better voter turnout as a result of a more organized infrastructure. The voting system as is, may not be enough.

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