Tragic Death of 20 People in New York Limousine Crash

October 11, 2018
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Schoharie, New York –  20 people’s life was taken away after a limousine crash in Schoharie, New York. The people involved in the limo crash were family members. The tragedy happened on Saturday.

Among victims of the crash were friends, four sisters and two brothers from another family.

A travel plan to Schoharie to celebrate the 30th birthday turned into a tragedy.

The crash occurred when the oversized limousine crashed into an unoccupied car in an intersection known to be dangerous.

According to investigators, the crash was the deadliest transportation incident after a 2009 air crash. The details about 20 people killed in the crash are beginning to come out.

The newlyweds Axel and Amy Steenburg from Amsterdam, New York got married over the summer. They rented the limousine and gathered a group of friends to celebrate Amy Steenburg’s 30th birthday.

Three of her sisters died in the accident. More than $60.000 fund was raised to help with the expenses if the sister’s three children.

There was another newlywed couple in the limousine crash, Erin and Shane McGowan. They got married in June.

Erin was working on his master degree while working at the hospital.

The State University of New York at Oswego lost its assistant professor of geology, Brian Hough.

The driver of the vehicle has not been identified by the authorities. But social media posts from family members said he was 53-year-old Scott Lisinicchia.

His wife is asking money through Go Fund Me page for funeral expenses.

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